installation of program on your phone
Select the phone or platform type you want to install the program on. After choosing an appropriate option, you will gain access to the program installation on your device.

* Java Me is a platform used by most mobile phones on the market. It allows to launch games and programs on your device. If you do not have a phone with the types of platforms listed in the box or a phone of a specific brand, and you know that your phone has the option of programs and games installation, install application according to the instructions displayed after choosing Other phones (Java Me*) option.
** We are in the course of developing a dedicated version of program operating in Windows Mobile environment, however, in most cases, the phones operating on this system also enable installation of programs on Java Me platform. If, therefore, you cannot wait to have a program for this system, try to install it in Java Me version by clicking on Other phones (Java Me*) option.